China is one of the largest agriculture countries in the world. China’s agricultural industry plays an important role in both the domestic and global economy. As China has huge prospects in agricultural products planting, supply and consumption, China’s agricultural market has become a spot light in the global business, drawing more and more industrial players and investors’ close attention.

Having been engaged in market research of China’s agricultural industry for over 10 years, CCM is very familiar with the development of the whole industry. Agricultural Map of China (AMC) is a good reflection of our experience and advantage in the research of China’s agricultural industry.

AMC is an online database covering the most macroscopic and comprehensive information about China’s agricultural industry. Through regular updates and visual presentations, AMC offers you the most convenient access to the panorama of China’s agricultural industry.

Based on AMC, we will construct an online platform, China's Agricultural Resources Platform (CARP), which will be the most comprehensive online platform covering China's crops planting data and various derivative data. The CARP also provide customized research service.

5 Features to Make Data Obtaining Activity Easier Than Ever

  • Macroscopic number of authoritative statistics integrated in one database;
  • Comprehensive agriculture industry intelligence helping you get an overlook of Chinese market;
  • Visualized presentation styles including charts, tables, pictures, and more to facilitate data obtaining activity and draw more interest;
  • Dynamic data revealing the updated status of China's agricultural industry;
  • Online publication with annual update to offer you needful data at your most convenient time;

Major Data Indexes

  • Agriculture Resources

    Population and geography status
    Economy status
    Soil segmentation and area
    Soil information
    Meteorology information
    Water resources
    Environment situation
    Natural disaster situation
    Relevant agricultural policies
    Crop's planting situation and sales-related information
    Aquaculture status
    Livestock status
  • Agricultural Products

    Seedling and harvest seasons
    Planting area
    Average output per mou
    Cultivation policies
    Commercialization rate
    Import and export situation
  • Crops



Enjoy convenient access to AMC's agriculture resources through subscription. Three subscription options are available.

Data coverage by geographySubscription priceData type Operation
By nation USD 1/a Macroscopic data
By province USD 500/a Macroscopic data
By city USD 20000/a Macroscopic data

The buyer of "by city" has the access to all information included in "by province" and "by nation";
The buyer of "by province" has the access to all information included in "by nation";
The data of "by city" is developing.

For more information about subscription, please contact us.